About Life24Fit

Life24.Fit is healthy life companion which reminds you of self care and wellness

An introduction to Life24.Fit

What is Life24.Fit? A healthy life companion!!!
In 3 words this is what the Life24.Fit app is all about.
Not a yoga guru, expert dietitian or mental health counsellor.
It is the friend that nudges you to join him for a walk when it’s nice weather outside, or your office colleague who tells you to not take that extra helping of samosa at office when you are on a diet.

All for a fitter tomorrow
With just a few clicks, it identifies who you are, and your current health stats. Quietly, it records how many steps you take, calories burnt, hours slept, etc.
Then it is the girl/boy friend that is happy you have achieved your healthcare targets for your week. Or the mother who will berate you for having been a naughty child piling on calories through the week.

Our Philosophy

We built the app so that it silently, persistently nudges you towards good health. Yoga, mindfulness, walking and Ayurveda are the 4 cornerstones that make the foundation of Life24Fit.

We disdain dieting as much as you (hi-five!)

We love a good snack at the favourite local restaurant, just like you (wink)

Only, Life24Fit makes sure you do it a little wisely.

We believe that fitness is something you can pursue every day, 24 hours. Not just for 1 hour in the gym, or for a 1 week of crash dieting, etc.
If you have to persist, you must believe in it.

•   Yoga- yoga is not just about doing cool asanas. It is a healthy way of life. Asanas help you get flexible, but yoga in its entirety helps you be confident, calm and in control of your health. 

•   Mindfulness- simply put, it is being aware of the task at hand. Be it eating, typing an email, ordering online. Being where you are right now, and not carried away with the thoughts into a past, or a future is sometimes all you need to make a more meaningful, successful every moment in the present.

•   Walking-  Lets accept it. It is the one activity you can do no matter where you are, what season it is, what age you are, what mood you are in. It instantly gets you body pumping blood and is one of the most underrated and under-utilized anti-depressants. Life24Fit gives you non-intrusive notifications when the weather is just perfect to head for a short walk.  

Maybe it will help you calm down after that stressful meeting at office, maybe it will give you an idea for that surprise you have been wanting to give your loved one. Who knows!

•     Ayurveda- Echoing our zeal for staying all natural, soon, we aim to incorporate all herbal and Ayurvedic components of staying fit. 

Not just an individual app, our corporate wellness programs will help you improve the overall fitness quotient of your work force. Better productivity, lesser absenteeism and more cheerful attitude towards work are some of the obvious benefits. Higher employee retention, and lower turnover costs are throughput benefits.

At the NASSCOM HR Conference in August 2017 the Life24Fit team got opportunity to talk to hundreds of HR influencers. There was a lot of talk about the power of AI in this VUCA world in various areas like hiring, retention etc. Amongst those discussions there was some minor realizations that for employees to handle this VUCA environment and perform well there employee wellness would become a critical concern. All this started the idea for Life24Fit.

After talking to the HR community at large, the team got opportunity to talk to Health Managers of large organization and they said they were looking for simple wellness solutions which enhance employee wellbeing on a day-today basis instead of just preventive checkups and gym facilities which are rarely used very reactive in nature.


After these live meetings and realization of a need we started evaluating the available solutions and what was missing in them. This lead to understanding the constraints of employees, their issues and how they can be addressed without impacting the productivity.

We designed a solution and started building a prototype.


Once the concept was developed we went to the OCCUCON 2017 and presented our findings in a scientific paper Integrating Employee Wellness to Occupational Health.

The concept was appreciated by Indian Railways as there were a lot of accidents going on there and also by other organizations who complained that all the solutions they had were generic and nothing was customized to their needs.


After the discussion we started the Pilot at a small software organization. The initial launch was good and employees welcomed the idea of something to take care of their wellness.

The learnings from the pilot were that a continuous engagement was needed after launch to ensure results.


The life24Fit chatbot Alpha version is available today


When we went with Life24.fit wellness solution to SMEs we realized that most of them were managing their employees on excel sheets.

In order to bridge the gap we have come up with a very reasonably priced HRM solution for managing employee records.

Mail us at support@innokreat.com to know more.


Recently we launched our HRM solution and got our first lead on the date of announcement.
Lige24HRM is an integrated product with Life24.fit which helps HR do human capital management better.
– It has employee data in one place,
– Also has the wellness quotient
– Attendance management including remote employees.
– Timesheet Management
– Organization structure management.
– Our customer manager who is a qualified HR expert then send insights regarding the HR.


The second pilot was done in Pune in a small team.

There was a lot of enthusiasm initially but the team started complaining of too many messages.

We reduced the number of messages and performed Prakriti Analysis.



We did a free pilot of Life24HRM. The outcome was great. Team was very comfortable putting data on the timesheet as it helped them in getting clarity on their achievements during the week. The data was also tracked in reporting and performance management.




We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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