Gratefulness as we say goodbye to 2020

This year is an year we should be grateful for everything we have.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” –

Melody Beattie

We have been through huge uncertainity and have seen how the world can change in a matter of days

How sharing can so quickly become frowned upon

How globalization can give way to localization

How suddenly bosses start trusting you when you work from home

How you can now differentiate between necessities and luxuries

How family starts mattering again

How you no longer need to live in a big city to earn a fat paycheque

How school at home becomes a reality

How your maid can now be more scared of getting infected from you.

How gadgets are more important than househelps

How digitization has been recognised as the biggest boon of all times for business continuity

How quickly everyone learnt video conferencing

The message is that as human beings we are smart enough to learn and adapt. The only thing required is we must be motivated enough. The motivation in this case was the change in environment.

Farewell 2020


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