Problems in Existing Wellness Solutions?

With the awareness in employee wellness increasing, the companies are taking several steps to improve the employee wellness. But few are leading to desired results. Here is an analysis on the same:

  1. Gym Facilities: There are a lot of gym facilities. But the employees do not have the time and motivation to go there. Also sometimes there is lack of trainers available. They are not able to integrate it into their routine.
  2. Doctors in Office: An employee does not like to visit a doctor in office because then he is seen as unwell and this may send wrong signals to his manager or team regarding his future performance.
  3. Re-imbursement of gym expenses: A lot of times and stages going to the gym is neither desired nor needed. A simple walk and diet control can do. Data says that in most cases the gym membership remains unused.
  4. Preventive Health Checkups: These do not work because they happen once a year and do not indicate lifestyle changes which may be needed to maintain good health year after year.

In all the employees are not clear what needs to be done, to what extent and why and how critical it is to do that.


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